336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
What’s inside each .kom file
001 - arbor day ui
002 - various skill sprites
003 - ice burner model
004 -in game’s loot model
005 - mobs ruben
006 - mobs elder
007 - mobs besma
008 - mobs peita
009 - mobs altera 1
010 - mobs altera 2
011 - model ally summon
012 - mobs events
013 - model npc
014 - chars dialogue image (epic quest)
015 - model aisha
016 - model accessories
017 - model elsword
018 - model eve
019 - model rena
020 - model raven
021 - SD
022 - title icons
023 - event field misc mips, town’s ad boards
024 - dungeon bg textures ruben 1, field background altera, peita (old)
025 - dungeon bg textures ruben 2
026 - dungeon bg textures elder
027 - dungeon bg textures altera
032 - dungeon bg textures altera
033 - set of character’s motions,skill motions
034 - UI layout backbones
035 - dungeons stages layout backbone
036 - misc, in game’s core files
037 - mobs motion files
038 - chars outside/lobby stance
039 - ui npc
040 - map layout files
043 - DANGER! boss’ name sprites
044 - chars end mission,cut-in, boss dialogues
045 - shop sprites, off UI elsword logo
046 - front screen’s layout
047 - field minimap (old), minimap’s symbols
048 - dungeon and PvP rank textures.various in game front layer effects, symbols, more skill sprites including Aisha fireball and Rena Arrows.
049 - score counter, hits counter alphabets
050 - tutorial ui images
051 - result bg image
052 - change job completed - intro
053 - ui textures1
054 - ui textures2
055 - ui texture3
056 - button texture
057 - button, ui, char upper left hp bar image
058 - loading image for ruben
059 - loading image for elder
060 - loading image for besma
061 - loading image for peita
062 - loading image for altera
063 - skill icons, cursors, icons, pvp rank textures
064 - F12 guide book ui
065 - stage select minimaps image
066 - ui minimap (old)
067 - item’s icon 1
068 - NEXT STAGE LOADING, HP bars, boss hp bar etc.
069 - char’s skill sfx
070 - general in game sfx
071 - stage sfx altera
072 - stage sfx altera boss
073 - stage sfx besma
074 - stage sfx besma2
075 - stage sfx elder
076 - stage sfx peita
077 - stage sfx ruben
078 - pvp bg, GoD sfx, dance emote sfx
079 - tutorial aisha
080 - tutorial elsword
081 - tutorial misc SE
082 - tutorial eve
083 - tutorial rena
084 - tut0rial raven
085 - ui sfx
086 - altera velder bg sfx
087 - besma bg sfx
088 - observe npc se
089 - dungeon gate se
090 - elder bg sfx
091 - ruben bg sfx
092 - aisha voice
093 - els voice
094 - eve voice
095 - rena voice
096 - npc voice
097 - raven voice
098 - berd & cuttysark stage se
099 - henir background texture
100 - model velder mobs & stage texture
101 - velder stage textures
102 - mobs velder se & some mobs voice
103 - velder loading image
104 - enemy/boss voice
105 - velder boss se
106 - model pet
107 - model chung
108 - tutorial chung
109 - chung voice
110 - hamel town & dungeon texture
111 - mobs hamel
112 - velder town sfx
113 - hamel town sfx
114 - hamel dungeon, mobs & boss sfx 1
115 - hamel loading image
116 - aisha skills texture
117 - chung skill textures
118 - elsword skill texture
119 - eve skills texture
120 - raven skills texture
121 - rena skills texture
122 - type-h green skills texture
123 - berthe skills texture
124 - velder mobs boss skills texture
125 - hamel mobs boss skills texture
126 - move to towns, GoD loading image
127 - hamel dungeon, mobs & boss sfx 2
128 - PVP heroes model
129 - pet sfx
130 - item’s icon 2
131 - model ara
132 - ara skills texture
133 - tutorial ara
134 - ara voice
135 - sander map model
136 - sander mobs model
137 - sander town sfx
138 - sander dungeon sfx
139 - sander loading image
140 - model mounts
141 - mounts sfx
142 - skill elesis
143 - model elesis
144 - tutorial elesis
145 - voice elesis
146 - eltrion sfx
147 - add skill texture
148 - model add
149 - tutorial add
150 - add voice
001 - arbor day ui
002 - various skill sprites
003 - ice burner model
004 -in game’s loot model
005 - mobs ruben
006 - mobs elder
007 - mobs besma
008 - mobs peita
009 - mobs altera 1
010 - mobs altera 2
011 - model ally summon
012 - mobs events
013 - model npc
014 - chars dialogue image (epic quest)
015 - model aisha
016 - model accessories
017 - model elsword
018 - model eve
019 - model rena
020 - model raven
021 - SD
022 - title icons
023 - event field misc mips, town’s ad boards
024 - dungeon bg textures ruben 1, field background altera, peita (old)
025 - dungeon bg textures ruben 2
026 - dungeon bg textures elder
027 - dungeon bg textures altera
032 - dungeon bg textures altera
033 - set of character’s motions,skill motions
034 - UI layout backbones
035 - dungeons stages layout backbone
036 - misc, in game’s core files
037 - mobs motion files
038 - chars outside/lobby stance
039 - ui npc
040 - map layout files
043 - DANGER! boss’ name sprites
044 - chars end mission,cut-in, boss dialogues
045 - shop sprites, off UI elsword logo
046 - front screen’s layout
047 - field minimap (old), minimap’s symbols
048 - dungeon and PvP rank textures.various in game front layer effects, symbols, more skill sprites including Aisha fireball and Rena Arrows.
049 - score counter, hits counter alphabets
050 - tutorial ui images
051 - result bg image
052 - change job completed - intro
053 - ui textures1
054 - ui textures2
055 - ui texture3
056 - button texture
057 - button, ui, char upper left hp bar image
058 - loading image for ruben
059 - loading image for elder
060 - loading image for besma
061 - loading image for peita
062 - loading image for altera
063 - skill icons, cursors, icons, pvp rank textures
064 - F12 guide book ui
065 - stage select minimaps image
066 - ui minimap (old)
067 - item’s icon 1
068 - NEXT STAGE LOADING, HP bars, boss hp bar etc.
069 - char’s skill sfx
070 - general in game sfx
071 - stage sfx altera
072 - stage sfx altera boss
073 - stage sfx besma
074 - stage sfx besma2
075 - stage sfx elder
076 - stage sfx peita
077 - stage sfx ruben
078 - pvp bg, GoD sfx, dance emote sfx
079 - tutorial aisha
080 - tutorial elsword
081 - tutorial misc SE
082 - tutorial eve
083 - tutorial rena
084 - tut0rial raven
085 - ui sfx
086 - altera velder bg sfx
087 - besma bg sfx
088 - observe npc se
089 - dungeon gate se
090 - elder bg sfx
091 - ruben bg sfx
092 - aisha voice
093 - els voice
094 - eve voice
095 - rena voice
096 - npc voice
097 - raven voice
098 - berd & cuttysark stage se
099 - henir background texture
100 - model velder mobs & stage texture
101 - velder stage textures
102 - mobs velder se & some mobs voice
103 - velder loading image
104 - enemy/boss voice
105 - velder boss se
106 - model pet
107 - model chung
108 - tutorial chung
109 - chung voice
110 - hamel town & dungeon texture
111 - mobs hamel
112 - velder town sfx
113 - hamel town sfx
114 - hamel dungeon, mobs & boss sfx 1
115 - hamel loading image
116 - aisha skills texture
117 - chung skill textures
118 - elsword skill texture
119 - eve skills texture
120 - raven skills texture
121 - rena skills texture
122 - type-h green skills texture
123 - berthe skills texture
124 - velder mobs boss skills texture
125 - hamel mobs boss skills texture
126 - move to towns, GoD loading image
127 - hamel dungeon, mobs & boss sfx 2
128 - PVP heroes model
129 - pet sfx
130 - item’s icon 2
131 - model ara
132 - ara skills texture
133 - tutorial ara
134 - ara voice
135 - sander map model
136 - sander mobs model
137 - sander town sfx
138 - sander dungeon sfx
139 - sander loading image
140 - model mounts
141 - mounts sfx
142 - skill elesis
143 - model elesis
144 - tutorial elesis
145 - voice elesis
146 - eltrion sfx
147 - add skill texture
148 - model add
149 - tutorial add
150 - add voice
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